Monday, 19 October 2009

Dean Road - Town Hall Response

Please find below a copy of the Town Hall response to the USG's request regarding a call to hold an International Design Competition for the area of Dean Road and the site of St. Mary's Hospital:

"While the running of a project by Sheffield University in respect of the site may yield some useful suggestions as to how the site could be developed, it is not considered that an international design competition would be appropriate. It has also been agreed that officers will assist, the University, where appropriate in the running of a live project. Although it is a generous offer a competition is not proposed in the Brief for the following reasons:

- The Brief considers a whole range of possible options for development, of which housing is one. It would be difficult to define the scope of a competition, while there is such uncertainty.

- It could jeopardise the timescale relating to the disposal of the Depot and securing a beneficial use of the site.

- This would be a matter for a developer to decide on at a later stage.

- It could falsely raise public expectations as to the type and form of development which may proceed.

- Unknown implications on Council resources.

- The Council would expect any development proposals to be forwarded to an appropriate independent Design Review Panel for scrutiny at an early stage in the life any planning application, thus ensuring that a high standard of design is maintained."


A reply to this statement will be posted shortly.

Dean Road & St. Mary's Hospital - USG Response