Monday 7 September 2009

09/01304/FL - The Spa Complex - USG Response

The Urban Space Group would like to state that we are in general approval of this planning application and are pleased to see continuing efforts being made to maintain and enhance The Spa building and its environment.

The modification to the stage and other associated changes within the Grand Hall, the reception area and the 'Long Bar', and the pathway leading down to the Spa from the Spa Bridge are all fine; subject to the usual conditions and controls pertaining to the choice of materials, colour, quality of work and so forth.

We are pleased to see the introduction of a shared space scheme on the road leading to the Spa, but note the loss of parking (and thereby also the loss of 'ad hoc' changing facilities for surfers). We believe therefore, it is important that before this particular aspect of the re-development is undertaken, the proposed associated improvements to the both the Aquarium Top car park and the 'doughnut' are approved and completed.

We are less convinced by the proposed temporary roof structure suggested for the Sun Court. Although we do not disapprove of such a roof structure, we feel that the one indicated is somewhat perfunctory and clumsy in its execution and would query the choice of colour for the canvassing.

With respect to the two pavilions shown for the terrace area, it is understood that they would be used to house visitor information and act as a display area for temporary exhibitions amongst other functions, and the intent to improve the old terrace area is a laudable one. However, we would ask whether their rather nondescript and characterless design justifies their inclusion within the overall programme at the present time, and would hope that if they are taken forward, more interesting and worthwhile structures are forthcoming.

Given this, we feel that certain elements of the scheme could have benefited from direct consultation between the architects and a representative group such as ourselves or a Design Review Panel, prior to its submission as a planning application.

In summary, we are happy to support the application if the above comments can be taken into consideration.