The next meeting of the Urban Space Group will be held in the Cavalier Suite of the Royal Hotel on Thursday 11 September 2008 and will start at 19h15.
In the first half of the meeting we will be reacquainting ourselves with the Foreshore; but this time, instead of looking at the Futurist, we will take the opportunity to consider 'Fantasy Forest' and its relationship to the gardens of St. Nicholas Cliff.
If you would like to gain a little more familiarity with the subject prior to the meeting, Marcus Whitmore (planning officer at the Town Hall) will be leading a conducted walk of the area for those who are able to arrive earlier. The walk will commence at 18h30 from the foyer of the Royal Hotel and will take us down through the gardens onto Foreshore Road and then back up to the hotel in time for the start of the meeting at 19h15. You are all welcome to join us.
We hope this will prove an interesting little exercise to start our new season of meetings after the summer break.
In the second half of the meeting, we will be considering Benchmark's new planning application for the old Open Air Theatre as part of the The Sands development. Details for the application can be found by clicking on the following link:
Council Planning Portal: 08/01584/FL - Benchmark - Open Air Theatre
As ever, we will also include all the latest news, issues and project updates from around the town.
Multi-map link to the Royal Hotel: Royal Hotel