Wednesday 2 April 2008

Field Trip - 09h00 Saturday 05 April 2008

This Saturday we will be joining the 'Friends of the Old Railway Line' to review the stretch of line from Sainsbury's to Scalby Village. The objective will be to identify potential sites for new access points, bins, benches, lighting, signage and other improvements to help develop the track for both cyclists and pedestrians alike.

All findings will be presented at our next Urban Space Group meeting on Thursday 10 April 2008. We will then take the opportunity to assist in producing a phased development strategy for the line, including identifying potential sources of funding.

The walk will start from 'Safe Way Park' under Wykeham Bridge on Wykeham Street, Scarborough and will finish at the site of the new Rugby Club, just north of Scalby. The walk is about 2.5 miles in length and the return will be by the local bus service or on foot!

So if you would like to get involved with something on the ground and in the raw, this is the opportunity for you!

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Multi-map link to Wykeham Bridge: Wykeham Bridge