Thursday 26 July 2007

USG Meeting - 19h00 Thursday 13 September 2007

The next meeting of the Urban Space Group will be held at the Palm Court Hotel on Thursday 13 September 2007 and will start at 19h00. The hotel is on the opposite side of Falconers Road to the Renaissance Centre.

The provisional agenda is yet to be drawn up, but it is likely to feature an update on the changes to The Sands development; and an introduction to the recent Council Local Development Framework document on future Housing Allocations in the Scarborough area.

Please don't forget that in August we will be holding our one day workshop on the Futurist and Foreshore Road. The date has now been set for Saturday 18 August 2007 and will be held at the Renaissance Centre. Places will be limited to around 20 and further details on what's happening and how to book will be circulated soon.

Please see 'Quick Notes' for further updates on the workshop.

Multi-map link to the offices: Scarborough Renaissance Office