Thursday 28 June 2007

Planning & Development Committee - 14 June 2007

The following key panning decisions were taken by the Council's Planning & Development Committee meeting on Thursday 14 June 2007:

07/00936/FL -
Removal of condition 3 of decision 06/00867/OL which requires a dwelling with no dormers windows or other apertures in the roof on land to rear of 73 High Street, Burniston - APPROVED (unanimous)

07/00866/RM -
Erection of eight dwellings on site of LPG Depot, Church Hill, Reighton - APPROVED (unanimous)

07/00874/FL -
Single storey side extension; internal alterations and new disabled facilities for Burniston Methodist Church, High Street, Burniston - APPROVED (unanimous)

07/00818/FL -
Change of use from B1 / B8 to D2 permitting additional space to indoor children's play centre for 'keep fit zone', Units 3A & 4A, Hopper Hill Road, Seamer - REFUSED (8-7)

07/00854/FL -
Change of use from shop & cafe to cafe and youth drop-in centre, 2 Moor Lane, Newby - APPROVED (10 for, 1 abstention)

07/00681/RM -
Building of 13 2-storey and 1 3-storey office buildings with car parking, electric sub-station, landscaping and associated works, Scarborough Business Park, Dunslow Road, Eastfield - APPROVED (8-1, 2 abstentions)

Cllr. Clegg said the modern design of the first set of buildings was "soulless, dull and uninspiring". Some other members tended to agree with her. The developer had provided an artist's impression which made the buildings look yellow, with blue glass windows. The officer assured the committee that the walls would be in different colours of brickwork to give variety, rather than the uniform yellow shown on the artist's impression. He declared that the buildings would be brick not stucco. The blue glass was just artistic licence. Several councillors persisted in thinking the design disappointing.

Cllr. Cluer was concerned about environmental issues and energy conservation. She asked, for example, whether the windows would open (presumably so that air-conditioning would not be constant). She did not get a straight answer, but was assured that such issues would have been considered.

07/00879/FL -
Construction of new electricity sub-station, Peasholm Gap, Scarborough - REFUSED (9-6)

The USG objected to the application on the grounds that the design was unsuitable given its prominent location.

Please click on the planning application reference to view details.