The meeting will be held at the Renaissance Centre, Falconers Road, Scarborough, YO11 2EN.
Multi-map link to the offices: Scarborough Renaissance Office
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of the previous meeting - 08 February 2007
4. Report from the Executive meeting - 05 March 2007
Report from the Executive meeting, mainly pertaining to education and also preparations for May's 'Renaissance Reunion'. At present, it is unclear if the Urban Space Group will be required to do anything specific for the reunion event. If we are, perhaps we could discuss one or two ideas at this meeting, finalising them in April?
5. Station Square
As much about the future objectives of the Urban Space Group as the potential Station Square initiative. A brief update on the Design Champion will be included within this item, plus potential workshop and conference opportunities for ourselves.
6. Report from the Council's Planning & Development Committee meeting - 01 March 2007
Report from the last meeting of the Council's Planning Committee, specifically considering the current state of play regarding the Seamer Road Park & Ride. In addition, we will also cover: Spa Ramps, King Street, West Pier and The Futurist.
7. Website & electronic communication
As the Scarborough Renaissance website is due to be updated, we thought it would be an appropriate time to ask what sort of features we would like to see incorporated within the renewed design. The current site is very limited (we can't even add copies of the minutes), so there are a number of obvious items such as agendas, minutes etc.; but as examples, would we also want to create dedicated sections for specific projects, examples of good design or planning applications we are currently scrutinising? Would this be possible?
The website for Scarborough Renaissance can be found at:
8. Any other business
9. The next Urban Space Group meeting
If there is anything else you would like to see added to the agenda; please contact me as soon as possible and time permitting, I will try and include it within 'any other business'. I will aim to conclude the meeting by 20h45, but I will be prepared to extend the time a little, should we feel it necessary that further discussion of a topic would be of benefit to the group.