Thursday 21 March 2013

USG Meeting - 19h15 Thursday 11 April 2013

The next meeting of the Urban Space Group will be held on the First Floor of the Royal Hotel on Thursday 11 April 2013 and will start at 19h15; as I would like to re-establish a pattern of meeting on the second Thursday of each month.

In the meantime, we will be following the Council's recent decision regarding the potential redevelopment of the Town Hall & Futurist sites:

Item 7c 1383 - Town Hall and Wider Site Development - Initial Feasibility Study Outcome

If anyone has any comment regarding this or any other matter, please contact the Chair of the Group by the usual means.

Further details to follow.

The meeting is scheduled to finish by 20h45 at the latest.

Bing-Maps link to the Royal Hotel: Royal Hotel