Saturday 24 December 2011

USG Meeting - 19h15 Thursday 12 January 2012

The next meeting of the Urban Space Group will be held in the Cavalier Suite of the Royal Hotel on Thursday 12 January 2012 and will start at 19h15.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your kind support over the last twelve months; and to wish you all:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!!


1. Proposed New Sports Facility - University of Hull - Scarborough Campus

The first item on the agenda will be an update from the architect responsible for the proposed development of a new sports facility for Scarborough's University Campus on Filey Road. This facility will comprise of a sports hall, fitness suite, studio, seminar rooms, and various supporting changing and social spaces.

Following their earlier presentation to our meeting back in October, the team now have some revised designs available for consideration and would like to talk again to Urban Space as part of their public consultation.

Everyone is encouraged to attend to comment and lend their support. The full application is yet to be submitted, and so this is an opportunity to make a constructive contribution to the process before the proposal is finalised.

Paper copies of the plans will be available for inspection at the meeting.

2. 11/01844/FL - The Sands - Burniston Road - Scarborough

The full application concerning the continued development of The Sands can now be found on the Council's planning portal. The proposal covers all aspects of the site, including holiday lodges and homes, family restaurant, water park, parking, and landscaping.

This item will be the second part of our two month consideration of this proposal.

At our previous meeting in December: we noted our concern regarding the manner in which the application had been handled; the utilisation of the site; and the density and design quality of the holiday homes.

This meeting will further expand and refine our commentary for submission, and will form the basis of a presentation to Town Team later in the month.

Further details can be found at:

SBC: 11/01844/FL - The Sands - Burniston Road - Scarborough

3. Any other business

The meeting is scheduled to finish by 21h00 at the latest.

Bing-Maps link to the Royal Hotel: Royal Hotel