Sunday 31 October 2010

Special Meeting - 13h30 Thursday 04 November 2010

Planning Application - King Street - Scarborough

We have recently received a request from the Planning Department of Scarborough Borough Council, to comment upon a recent submission to extend the time limit relating to application reference 06/02273/FL, for the development of 14 residential flats on land on the east side of King Street, Scarborough:

SBC: 10/01612/FL - 14 Residential Flats - King Street - Scarborough

To this end, there will be a special meeting of the Urban Space Group this coming Thursday 04 November 2010 in the Gazebo at the rear of the Town Hall on King Street.

The meeting will be organised as a 'drop-in' session between 12h00 and 13h30, followed by a 'formal' meeting between 13h30 and 14h00 to discuss our response.

The gazebo was the public desk for the planning department and is now utilised as a meeting room.

Paper copies of the plans, design statement, and both the Planning Committee and appeal decisions, will be available for viewing.


Planning approval for development of this site has something of a complicated history and is one that we as a group have followed. The first submission 06/02273/FL was originally refused by the Planning Committee back in June 2007 but was subsequently granted approval in February 2008 following an appeal.

Approval was granted on the basis that development would begin within three years of the decision. As this period is close to expiration the applicants are now seeking an extension to the time limit:

SBC: 06/02273/FL - 14 Residential Flats - King Street - Scarborough


In addition to this original submission, there was a further application made regarding the site in August 2007, reference 07/01574/FL, for a revised scheme limiting the number of flats to 10 and the southern elevation effectively presenting a 'blank face' to the car park.

Permission for this development was granted in October 2007 subject to conditions and is not the proposal currently under consideration:

SBC: 07/01574/FL - 10 Residential Flats - King Street - Scarborough

If anybody wants to come along on the day you will be very welcome. We understand that it may be difficult for many of you to make this particular Thursday lunchtime but regrettably our next scheduled meeting is after the closing date for responses, and so something had to be arranged at short notice. With this in mind, we will of course be only to happy to take into consideration any comments received prior to 04 November 2010.