The next meeting of the Urban Space Group will be held in the Cavalier Suite of the Royal Hotel on Thursday 08 April 2010 and will start at 19h15.
1. Outer Harbour Facilities
We are pleased to announce that Doug Kendall, the Project Development Manager for Scarborough Borough Council, has confirmed that he will be able to attend this Thursday's meeting to present the new designs for the Outer Harbour facilities. Doug's presentation will be the main item on the agenda.
You are all very welcome to attend and comment on these proposals, as I'm sure you will need no reminder of how important this scheme is to the continued development and future success of the harbour.
2. Station Area Redevelopment Consultation
A very brief update on the draughting of the master plan and proposed public consultation.
Other items:
Time permitting, the meeting will also include an initial 'rough cut' of a presentation on the subject of 'Place'.
Local Development Framework and Housing Allocations:
As for our recent discussions regarding the Local Development Framework, Housing Allocations and a future strategy for Scarborough, we are very pleased to announce that the Town Team accepted the proposal to adopt this as one of their key future agenda items. We will of course continue to contribute to the debate as Urban Space, and it is very good news that a matter of such significance will now be aired at Renaissance's principal forum.
In addition to the above, we will as usual carry the latest news, issues and project updates from around the town, including when appropriate the following items:
1. Dean Road & St. Mary's Hospital
2. Raising Design Standards & the Planning Process
3. Strategy, Funding & the Management Investment Plan
4. The Spa Complex & other capital projects
5. Sainsbury's, Manor Road Park & Old Railway Line
6. Outer Harbour, West Pier & the sea front
7. Linear Park, Oliver's Mount & The Mere
8. Middle Deepdale & Cayton
9. Scarborough's street scene
Multi-map link to the Royal Hotel: Royal Hotel