The next meeting of the Urban Space Group will be held in the Cavalier Suite of the Royal Hotel on Thursday 10 December 2009 and will start at 19h15.
1. Housing Allocations Development Plan
The principle item on the agenda will be a discussion about the Borough Housing Allocations Development Plan, currently undergoing public consultation as part of the drafting of the new Local Development Framework. The debate will not concern itself with specific individual sites; but will instead concentrate on the overall strategic distribution of housing. Specifically to consider whether it would be better to create a 'new town' across the belt of Middle Deepdale, Eastfield, Crossgates, Seamer and Irton; or whether we would favour a more distributed model, with perhaps new urban housing concentrated in the Dean Road and Station areas of the town.
Further details of the consultation process, including a list of exhibition dates around the Borough, can be found at:
SBC - Housing Allocations Development Plan
2. Station Square Proposals
The second item on the agenda will be a brief re-visit of the proposals for the Station Square area of the town. The public consultation phase has now been extended until Friday 11 December 2009, affording us with an opportunity to hopefully agree upon a succinct Urban Space take on the presented options.
Further details of the consultation process, including details of the three options and an official downloadable response form, can be found at:
SBC - Station Area Redevelopment Options
In addition to the above, we will as usual carry the latest news, issues and project updates from around the town, including the following items:
1. Dean Road & St. Mary's Hospital
2. Local Design Review Panel
3. The Spa Complex
4. Management Investment Plan
5. Outer Harbour Design Competition
6. Linear Park, Oliver's Mount & The Mere
7. Sainsbury's, Manor Road Park & Old Railway Line
8. Market Square
9. Urban Space 'Scrapbook'
Multi-map link to the Royal Hotel: Royal Hotel