Monday, 7 September 2009

USG Meeting - 19h15 Thursday 10 September 2009

The next meeting of the Urban Space Group will be held in the Cavalier Suite of the Royal Hotel on Thursday 10 September 2009 and will start at 19h15.


1. Dean Road Consultation

Members are advised that the period of consultation for the area of Dean Road and the site of the former St. Mary's Hospital has been extended. A copy of the Urban Space Group response can be found on the blogsite and members will be provided with a further opportunity at the meeting to comment if they so wish.

2. Management Investment Plan

There will be a short overview of the draft Yorkshire Forward backed Management Investment Plan and what this may mean for the Renaissance capital projects planned for the next five years. A full presentation by the Town Hall will be made at this month's Town Team and all members of Urban Space will be encouraged to attend.

3. Design Review Panels

A report on the current progress on the setting up or otherwise of a Design Review Panel for the Borough. Some reference will be made to the recent planning applications for The Spa Complex and the proposed Health Village on the old site of the Rugby Club.

4. Review of objectives for 2009

Members will remember that at our December meeting in 2008 (notes attached), we discussed a number of priorities for the year ahead. As we now reach September, it is perhaps a good time to look at what was suggested, review progress and decide on what the group should concentrate on for the remainder of the year.

The Chair would like to suggest that the following should receive the main focus of our attention:

a) Design Review Panels
b) Support for the proposed Dean Road sustainable urban residential design competition
c) Response to the Station Area development consultation

In addition to the above, we will as usual carry the latest news, issues and project updates from around the town, including the following items:

1. Linear Park
2. Outer Harbour Design Competition
3. Station Area consultation process
4. The Spa Complex
5. Market Square
6. Manor Road Park
7. Old Railway Line - The Cinder Track
8. Urban Space 'Scrapbook'
9. Housing Strategy

Multi-map link to the Royal Hotel: Royal Hotel