Monday 6 July 2009

USG Meeting - 19h15 Thursday 09 July 2009

The next meeting of the Urban Space Group will be held in the Cavalier Suite of the Royal Hotel on Thursday 09 July 2009 and will start at 19h15.

The first main item on the agenda will be to consider the potential acquisition and development of the area within the town identified as Market Square, as outlined in the original Kissing Sleeping Beauty documentation. This item has been included at the request of Roger Foster of the Civic Society, and Roger will be leading us through the key points.

The second main item on the agenda will be to consider the reserved matters application for a mixed-use Health Village on the site of the Old Rugby Club, details for which can be found at:

09/01240/RM - Old Rugby Club - Newby

Details of the previous successful outline application can be found at:

06/02283/OL - Old Rugby Club - Newby

As ever, we will also include all the latest news, issues and project updates from around the town, including the following items:

1. Manor Road Park
2. Outer Harbour Design Competition
3. Station Square consultation process
4. Dean Road
5. The Spa
6. Design Review Panels
7. Urban Space 'Scrapbook'
8. Linear Park
9. Sainsbury's

Please note that contrary to previous announcements, there will not be a presentation and consultation relating to the Dean Road area from Scarborough Borough Council. It is now understood they intend to hold a series of exhibitions during August, at which, members of the general public will be able to view a range of potential options and will be given an opportunity to make their observations known.

Further details will be posted shortly.

Multi-map link to the Royal Hotel: Royal Hotel