Thursday 7 June 2007

Planning & Development Committee - 24 May 2007

The following key panning decisions were taken by the Council's Planning & Development Committee meeting on Thursday 24 May 2007:

06/02283/OL -
Mixed-use health village, on site of Scarborough Rugby Club Ground, Scalby Road, Newby - DEFERRED (9-8)

In principal the concept was well received but the committee felt the decision should be deferred as there were some concerns regarding the height of the central building at 3 stories; proximity of buildings to The Close; the hospital's flat roof; and a link path to open ground.

07/00054/CC -
Modified proposal for Seamer Road Park & Ride site for North Yorkshire County Council - HEAVILY CRITICISED

A desperately inadequate proposal for Scarborough's primary Park & Ride site; poor landscaping; poor layout; poor access; poor facilities; poor quality of design and materials; the application was rightly condemned by both Councillors and Council Officers. The decision is pending the meeting of NYCC Planning Committee on 05 June 2007. Both Gordon Somerville and Cllr. Lucy Haycock to represent.

02/00320/FL -
Renewal of temporary permission for Coble Landing Roundabouts Ltd., Coble Landing, Filey - APPROVED (unanimous)

07/00291/FL -
Change of use from shop to take-away pizza place, 10 Osgodby Lane, Osgodby - APPROVED (9-4)

Local opposition but to no avail. Application concerned outstanding condition which was met.

07/00668/FL -
Demolition of detached house and construction of four three-bedroomed semi-detached houses, 79 Cross Lane, Newby - APPROVED (2 against)

Councillors felt this was a significantly improved proposal following the re-submission of a previously refused application. Surprisingly light opposition given concerns expressed regarding the loss of 'Executive quality housing', especially in relation to this site.

07/00796/FL -
Construction of new dwelling, land adjoining 43 High Street, Burniston - REFUSED (11-2)

07/00233/FL -
Construction of new dormer house with attached garage, land west of 9 Garton Lane, Hunmanby - APPROVED (unanimous)

06/02273/FL -
Residential development of 14 flats on Warehouse Site, King Street, Scarborough - REFUSSED (unanimous)

The application was opposed by both the USG and Scarborough Civic Society. Criticism centred on the general design of the building and also the main southern aspect of the construction. It was felt that this would necessarily put a stop to any further development along King Street; affecting any proposed inclusion of the King Street car park as part of the future vision for the Futurist or indeed any other build.

However, there was no objection in principal to development of flats on the site of the former warehouse, and it was hoped the developers would return with a more sympathetic proposal.

07/00169/FL -
Demolition of existing premises and construction of 10 dwellings on site of Kelley's Motor Body Works, Ewart Street, Scarborough - APPROVED

Councillors praised the proposal; stating that the design was in keeping with the surrounding housing and they felt it was the right type of development for the area.

07/00626/FL -
Amendments to Phases 2B & 3 of scheme previously agreed under Ref. 02/01141/FL to include an additional 23 dwellings at Edgehill Re-development Site, Seamer Road, Scarborough - APPROVED

07/00644/FL + 07/00645/LB -
New toilets & sealing of door opening, The Crescent Hotel, Belvoir Terrace, Scarborough - APPROVED

Erection of double-sided advertisement panel, Falsgrave Community & Resource Centre, Seamer Road, Scarborough - APPLICATION WITHDRAWN

Somebody ought to point out that this place is about a mile away from Falsgrave...

Please click on the planning application reference to view details.