Sunday, 29 April 2007

USG Meeting - 19h00 Thursday 10 May 2007

The meeting will be held at the Renaissance Centre on Thursday 10 May 2007 and will start at 19h00.

The meeting will include a session on Quality in Design, presented by the respected architect Richard Flowitt. Examples will be taken from around Scarborough; both good and bad!

Multi-map link to the offices: Scarborough Renaissance Office


1. Welcome

2. Apologies

3. Minutes of the previous meeting - 12 April 2007

4. Report from the Executive meeting - 30 April 2007

New date and itinerary for Renaissance Reunion; strategic planning; changes to the structure of Scarborough Renaissance; and an update on the Sub Regional Investment Plan – SRIP.

5. Station Square - 20 mins

Outcomes from the previous meeting and further action.

6. Urban Space Group future programme - 20 mins

Finalising the Agenda for the current year (to August 2007); and planning for the Town Team meeting on Tuesday 15 May 2007. Further details to be circulated at the meeting.

7. Report from the Council's Planning & Development Committee meeting - 19 April 2007

Please see Recent Planning Decisions for a list of key judgements made at the last Planning & Development Committee meeting. This item will also include a brief update on all other current planning issues and Renaissance projects.

8. Quality in Design - 45 mins

A session presented by the respected architect Richard Flowitt. Examples will be taken from around Scarborough; both good and bad!

9. Any other business

10. The next Urban Space Group meeting

If there is anything else you would like to see added to the agenda; please contact me as soon as possible and time permitting, I will try and include it within 'any other business'.

The first half of the meeting should be completed by 20h00, leaving the rest of the meeting to Quality in Design with a bit of tidying up at the end. The meeting will finish by 21h00 at the latest.

I hope to circulate copies of all papers for the meeting by Thursday 03 May 2007. If you would like to receive information from the USG and are not currently on the mailing list, please contact Linda at the Renaissance Office:

Contact Scarborough Renaissance